On Thursday, May 30th, As-Sabeel Academy held its annual Graduation Ceremony. This will be the second class of 8th graders to graduate from As-Sabeel. More than half of the graduates have been attending As-Sabeel since K4.
We are so proud of our students, who have had a tremendously successful year. Every 8th grader was part of our Middle School Battle of the Books Team, who won the SCISA State Battle of the Books competition. Over the years, they have won numerous trophies and medals, but more importantly, they have grown into generous, kind, and caring young men and women, who have endless potential.
It has been a blessing to have you in the As-Sabeel family. We are going to miss you, 8th graders, but you will forever be part of us. You have left an amazing legacy, and we will love and treasure you always.